Mobile Device Management

What Is Mobile Device Management?

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a policy-based, software application that simplifies control and grants visibility over every network-connected endpoint. 

To work, every employee installs an MDM client application (such as Cisco Meraki MDM) on each of their mobile devices. Then you, the IT boss, remotely configure the app and adjust the settings to comply with all company policies and security standards. Next, you remotely enroll the devices via an MDM portal, and…well…that’s it. Your work here is done. 

What Does Mobile Device Management Do?

Mobile Device Management does a lot, like:

  • Allow for BYOD policies
  • Enable remote and on-the-go work 
  • Automate rule enforcement
  • Grant provisions
  • Monitor and secure devices
  • Feature flexible collaboration opportunities

What MDM doesn’t do is sacrifice your full view over network activity, disregard any compliance protocol, or keep security gaps wide open. 

If you’d rather read a paragraph than bullet points, here’s one for you that explains a little more about what Mobile Device Management does: 

MDM uses software agents on user devices (either their own or company-issued) and a cloud-based MDM server to set, apply, and enforce device policies. As the master, you can remotely track and secure these devices, distribute and update applications, control and wipe the devices if necessary. 

What Is Mobile Device Management on Android?

Mobile Device Management on Android is the same as general MDM, except that it’s designed specifically for devices developed by Google. In other words, Android Device Management lets you manage and secure these devices using system visibility, remote app management, automatic security installs and updates, and geolocation/geofencing control.

Why Do You Need MDM?

Let’s get one thing straight—you do need MDM, and here’s why. 

To Secure Employee Devices Against a Data Breach

It’s all too easy for an employee to store private company intel or sensitive customer information on their phone, tablet, or laptop only to find the device lost, stolen, or hacked. 

You’re probably already aware of the costs associated with the risks— financial, reputational, and legal risks—but here are some updated dollar amounts that should terrify any IT lead and business owner:

How MDM Protects Against a Data Breach

Mobile device management automatically delivers critical security updates and patches for apps and firmware. It does this through:

  • Policy and protocol compliance for every device
  • Network segregation
  • Application audit and monitoring
  • Remote lock and wipe
  • Corrupt or lost data restoration

To Centralize Administrative Control

The task burden on IT staff, especially if your staff consists of only you, is immense. There are little fires popping up everywhere all the time, and they need to be put out immediately. There are the expectations and reminders from your C-level team that the budget is tight and needs to be tightened still. And all these are on top of your regular daily routine of important actions.

It’s impossible to get everything done, but you have no choice. Your organization is counting on you to maintain the operations of network and server infrastructure so business can keep rolling along without interruption. 

How MDM Centralizes Administrative Control

MDM is a solution every IT manager dreams of having—centralized and remote control over network devices, configurations, and support. Having this capability at your command means you can do more in less time, making it finally possible to do everything that’s asked of you and more. 

With MDM, the following mobile device tasks are taken off your shoulders but kept under your watchful eye:

  • Network device identification 
  • OS configuration
  • Hardware and application inventory, installation, and updates
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting
  • Web browser performance 
  • Policy and security standards compliance

Why You Need Cisco Meraki MDM (and How to Get It)

Cisco Meraki literally changed the conversation about network management with its out-of-band cloud architecture. You need it to create secure, scalable, and easy-to-deploy networks that can be managed anywhere from a single web-based dashboard and mobile app. Cisco Meraki products are trusted by the biggest global brands as well as mom-and-pop shops around the corner—and they should be trusted by you, too.

To get Mobile Device Management by Cisco Meraki, request a customized quote or contact Stratus Information Systems for a dashboard demo. 

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